1974 San Francisco Jung Sai Workers’ Strike

1974 San Francisco Jung Sai Workers’ Strike

In this lesson, students will develop a nuanced understanding of how the labor struggle extended into the 20th century by analyzing the 1974 Jung Sai Workers’ Strike and exploring the labor environment that catalyzed the strike. Students will compare and contrast the event with other American strikes by engaging with a variety of primary and secondary sources regarding labor strikes.

Lesson Objectives

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the intersection between Chinese immigrant labor and the labor industry in the late 1900s.

  2. Analyze multiple sources about one historical event to explain the causes, effects, and overall impact of the event on American society.

  3. Compare and contrast historical events to identify historical trends and explain why varying groups of Americans may have different experiences with labor unions, labor laws, and organizing strikes.

Essential Questions:

  1. How did exploitative labor practices affect immigrant labor at this time

  2. How did the social and political environment of the time contribute to the causes and effects of the 1974 Jung Sai Strike?

  3. What similarities and differences can be found between the 1974 Jung Sai Strike and other historical labor strikes?

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The standards covered in this lesson are: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.1, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9- 10.2, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.4, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.1, CCSS.ELA- LITERACY.RH.11-12.2, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.7, APUSH-NAT-1.0, APUSH-NAT.4.0, APUSH-POL-2.0, APUSH-CUL-4.0, APUSH-WXT-1.0, APUSH-MIG-2.0


Lesson plan created by Anusha Nadkarni in partnership with OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates

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