Recognizing AANHPI History Makers

Recognizing AANHPI History Makers

In this lesson, students will participate in a “Wax Museum” type activity to learn about significant AANHPI figures and their contributions to American society. Students will develop research skills, engage in discussions, and answer questions about a figure that they have researched. This allows students to learn about various prominent figures who belong to different communities through an interactive role-playing and research activity.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Students will conduct research on prominent AANHPI history makers to prepare an oral presentation on the individual’s life.

  2. Students will engage in discussions regarding the achievements of various AANHPI history makers to draw comparisons to their personal experiences and make connections to different historical contexts.

  3. Students will relay information about their researched individual, ask questions to their peers, and develop an appreciation for impactful AANHPI history makers and their contributions to contemporary society.

  4. Students will practice a variety of basic research methods.

Essential Questions:

  1. Who are some AANHPI history makers in society and history?

  2. What are some impacts AANHPI history makers have on society?

  3. What connections can students make between them and history makers?

  4. How can students research basic biographical information well?

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Lesson plan created by Anusha Nadkarni & Mohamed Zakaria Kheder in partnership with OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates

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