The Great Migration through Jacob Lawrence’s “Migration Series”

This lesson plan is part of our “Art through a Social Studies Lens” lesson plan series. Click here to view all 8 lessons.

Lesson Objectives

This lesson plan focuses on: RH.1 RH.2 RH.7

  1. Identity - Students will be able to learn about the experiences of African Americans during the Great Migration.

  2. Skills - Students will be able to analyze the causes and effects of the Great Migration.

  3. Intellect - Students will be able to explain the Great Migration.

  4. Criticality - Students will be able to analyze the role of racism, discrimination, inequality, and segregation in the Great Migration.

Essential Questions

  • What is the Great Migration?

  • What is reverse migration?


In this lesson plan, students explore the experience of African-Americans during the Great Migration by analyzing Jacob Lawrences’s “Migration Series” and supplementary sources to better understand the causes, realities, and impacts of the Great Migration.

Lesson plan created by Kylee Mongold-Campbell


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