In-Depth Exploration of Magical Realism

This lesson plan is part of our “Art through a Social Studies Lens” lesson plan series. Click here to view all 8 lessons.

Lesson Objectives

  1. Understand the basic literary elements of magical realism.

  2. Contextualize the important of magical realism in 20th century Latin-American society.

  3. Develop the agency to produce works with elements of magical realism and integrate aspects of magical realism into their own interpersonal life

Essential Questions

  • What is magical realism (or realismo mágico)? How is magical realism both traditionally and modernly defined?

  • How does magical realism relate to Latin-American history and society? What are the

    larger implications for literature and how it relates as social commentary?


This lesson plan, designed for students grade 10-12, explores the concept of magical realism, applies those concepts towards two world-renowned Latin American literary works, and empowers students to engage with magical realism in their own literary and artistic creations.

Lesson plan created by Max Peng


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